Lancelot and Elaine - Some Quotes

The following is a list of some of my favourite quotations from "Lancelot and Elaine", some are stand alone quotes, and would make nice sigs, whereas others need the context of the poem to make sense.

For who loves me must have a touch of earth; the low sun makes the colour;


A moral child, without the craft to rule


Yet in this heathen war the fire of God fills him. I never saw his like. There lives no greater leader.


He had not dream'd she was so beautiful.


Whereat Lavaine said laughing, 'Lily Maid, for fear our people call you lilly made in earnest, let me bring your colour back;'


Then to her tower she climb'd, and took the shield. There kept it, and so lived in fantasy.


Whom he smote, he overthrew


A spear prick'd sharply his own curiass, and the head pierced thro' his side, and there snapt, and remain'd.


...then the trumpets blew, proclaiming his the prize who wore the sleeve of scarlet, and the pearls.


Far lovlier in our Lancelot hid it been, in lieu of idly dallying with the truth, to have trusted me, as he hath trusted thee, surely his King, and most familiar friend.


Yet good news too: for goodly hopes are mine that Lancelot is no more a lonely heart!


Thru her own side she felt the sharp lance go;


And stay'd; and cast his eyes on fair Elaine: Where could be found face daintier ? Then her shape from forehead down to foot, perfect - again, from foot to forehead exquisitely trim'd:


Fare you well, a thousand times! A thousand times farewell!


'Rest must you have', 'No rest for me' she cried; 'Nay, for near you, fair lord, I am at rest.'


'Till all her hearts sad secret blazed itself in the heart's colours on her suple face;


He would listen for her coming, and regret her parting step


His honour rooted in dishonour stood. and faith unfaithful kept him falsely true.


I have gone mad. I love you; Let me die.


Death, like a friend's voice from a distant field approaching thru the darkness, call'd;


Right heavy am I, for good she was and true, but loved me with a love beyond all love in women, whomsoever I have known.


To doubt her fairness were to want an eye, to doubt her pureness were to want a heart.


Ah! Simple heart and sweet. Ye loved me, damsel, surely with a love far tenderer than my Queen's.


Page last updated 3rd April, '98.