Kiserai ti Wansho
On the morning of the 1st of April, I came into labs here in DCU, and found a message in my mailbox asking me to have a look at a friend's Website.After I'd done so, I began to feel a little guilty that I hadn't ever bothered with one of my own. So, I set about designing one on paper, and then myself and Notepad got down to building the paper design for what is now Melmoth's WebSite.
The Website is nowhere near complete at this stage. If I was putting a figure on it, I'd say that it's about 80% done. So far I've taken care of the content for the site, which apart from adding a few hyperlinks to outside webpages is just about finished. I really want to improve the 'look and feel' though.
However, to date, my pages are written in the simplest of HTML. You won't find many forms, frames or animated gifs etc. I avoided these for several reasons.
- I prefer context to image.
- Time was most limited.
- Those things are hard to do.
- And I didn't want to exclude other non-compatible browsers like Lynx etc.
The next phase of the design will brighten up these pages and make them look and feel more interesting. However, I've an 'orrible 3rd year project to do over these next few weeks, so the plan is as follows.... : learn Java & Javascript over the Summer, and brighten up my webpages.
A terrific plan, yes? What it lacks in detail, it makes up for lack of detail.If you have any comments / suggestions for this site, or any criticism, good or bad, then please don't hesitate to contact me.