Basically I've gone through the plot of SoS in my head, and listed anything which struck me as being in tLotR.
This probably isn't an exhaustive listing, so let me know what you think.
Each line details the SoS name for sth, it's description, and the element of tLotRs which it resembles.
Shady Vale (sleepy village) ==== The Shire
Shea (orphan hero) ==== Frodo
Flick (doubty sidekick) ==== Sam
Allanon (mystery & magic) ==== Gandalf
Balinor (travelling prince) ==== Aragron
Skullbearers (non-existent night crawlers) ==== Ringwraiths
Menion (outlander friend) ==== Merry + Pippin
Black Oaks (bad rep. for travel) ==== Old Forrest
Siren (evil tree type thingy) ==== Old Man Willow
King of SR (old, old power, in a region) ==== Tom Bom
Culhaven (heros flee to a safe place) ==== Rivendell
Council (various races, and plan) ==== Rivendell Council
Buckhannah Bros.(princes at variance) ==== Boromir & Faramir
Party of 8 (our small band of heros) ==== Nine Walkers
City Poison (makes hero unconscious) ==== Knife poison
Elfstones (reveal user to Enemy) ==== One Ring
Hall of Kings (fearsome place, abandoned) ==== Paths of the Dead, or Moria
Druids Keep (good but abandoned to evil) ==== Moria
Al + Skullbearer(fights to save, yet 'dies') ==== Gandalf and Balrog
Loss of Shea (company broken amidst battle) ==== Departure of Frodo
Tyrisis & Callahorn (first, best deferse) ==== Minas Tirith / Gondor
Kern (associated with main city) ==== Rohan
Stenmin (poisioning mind of royals) ==== Wormtongue
Rhul (weak ruler, overcome by evil) ==== Steward or K.Rohan
Cloud wall (sent by Enemy eve of battle) ==== Dark Clouds
Orl Fane (pitiful creature with object) ==== Smeagol
Sword (ancient magic to destroy) ==== One Ring
Storlock (place of great rest&healing) ==== Lorien
Skull Mt. (single mountain, evil home) ==== you know the one
Orl Fane Saves (by intervening at critical time)=== Smeagol Saves
Brona (good, overcome by lure of magic)=== Sauron