The World after the Breaking
The world has actually had two drastically different geographies, because of the destruction during the Breaking, but the destruction seems to have radiated outward from Shayol Ghul.
The Breaking may not have been as cataclysmic in distant parts of the world.

A fourth continent may lie hidden beneath the massive ice of the southern polar regions, but it is unknown and likely to remain so.

The Randland Globe jpg.
Geographical Regions.

The Known World

Approximately fifteen hundred leagues wide at its greatest breadth. From the Mountains of Dhoom in the north to the southernmost point of the continent is a distance of approximately four thousand leagues.
Hawkwing's men named the northern region, The Lesser Blight, because they found the Blight in Seanchan less dangerous than their own.
Despite the Seanchan claims of having destroyed all Shadowspawn, a few creatures such as Draghkar can still be found within their Blight. Corruption is a less virulent form.
From the Mountains of Dhoom in the north to the southernmost point of the continent is a distance of approximately four thousand leagues.

Land of the Madmen
Nameless except to its inhabitants.
Approximately seven hundred and fifty leagues across and five hundred leagues from north to south.
It extends to within five hundred miles of the southern ice cap.
The natives apparently never recovered from the Breaking.
There seems no possibility of peaceful contact.

To my mind, this is one of the most ridiculous things in the entire book. I can't see a plot line developing there so why include this information at all ?
The place stinks. The idea that there was no recovery from the Breaking is simply unsound. I'm no sociologist, but really. In three thousand years, villages must grow into towns, towns into cities etc. The notion of total collapse seems especially stupid when you consider the earlier statement that the destruction radiated out from the Blight, and that the Breaking was less significant in other parts of the world. By that logic this continent was the part least shaken by the Breaking. Frankly I just don't believe a word of it.

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Page last updated 31st of July, '98.