Melmoth's Mispent Youth
- 80s TV.
Learning Latin.
Just For LaughsMelmoth Reads Prose
- "The Cynic's Dictionary"
The Gulag Archipelago
Fantasy - Tolkien, Jordan, Brooks.
Melmoth Reads Poetry
- Irish Poets
Major International Poets
Other Personal MusingsMelmoth's Dark Past
- Growing Up.
Going To College.
Dealing With The Student Union.Melmoth's Irish Photos
- My surprise 21st!
My Favourite Female.
The Fancy Dress PartyMelmoth's Serious Stuff
- My take on Irish Politics.
- Crypto Issues
Melmoth's Site Stuff
- PageList.
Contact Me.
Making this 'Site.Unfortunately, I was only born in '78 so there's not that much of a story, but to help readers make sense of what there is, I've written the chapter titles in the style of a childs book. Think Ladybird. (1).
This site was created on Wednesday, April 1st, 1998, by myself and Notepad(2).